Harold Hill

Your Local, Veteran Scrap Metal Merchants in Harold Hill | Crow Metals

COVID-19 has meant major changes to all our lives, from the introduction of social distancing measures and the need for everyday PPE, to changes to how we conduct our work and in many cases, our employment status. Scrap yards and scrap metal merchants, like Crow Metals near Harold Hill, are certainly not exempt from the effects of COVID-19. When purchasing scrap for sale, including scrap vehicles and catalytic converters, there are new best practice health and safety guidelines we need to adhere to.

Not surprisingly, one question we’re often asked by our Harold Hill clients, is: “can I still scrap my car during the COVID crisis?” The answer is yes, but when either visiting our scrap yards with your vehicle or requesting that our team of scrap metal merchants collect it, there are a few things to keep in mind. So to keep things clear and straight forward, we’ve provided a brief run through of what catalytic converter and scrap car sale now looks like…

Have a different type of scrap for sale, perhaps following a development project you’ve been working on in Harold Hill or its surrounds? Pick up the phone and call our friendly scrap metal merchants on 01708 922881.

Scrapping a Vehicle During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Get a Quote – The first thing to do is to contact our team for a quote. We’ll ask you a number of questions regarding vehicle type and condition, so that we can get a good idea of the quality and weight of metal present within your vehicle and its present components, e.g catalytic converter. Our scrap yards do accept vehicles missing components or in badly damaged condition, but obviously the amount paid out will not be as high as an in-tact vehicle in very good condition.

Book Collection – Our scrap metal merchants provide a collection service to clients in the Harold Hill area, to make offloading scrap for sale a simple and straight forward process. So book in a time that’s convenient for you, to minimise impact to your schedule.

Organise Payment – We’ll need to receive accurate payment information from you, preferably in the form of bank details for electronic transfer; while cash is outlawed and not a valid form of payment that can be made by scrap yards and scrap metal merchants, cheques are legal. However, due to the fact they are handled, we would recommend the former should you have the option.

Contact Free Collection – The aforementioned collection service is essential during a highly contagious pandemic; we want to be able to safeguard our Harold Hill clients and our staff by reducing any potential points of contact. So once you’ve accepted the quote, booked a collection and given us your payment details, our scrap metal merchants will be over to grab your vehicle and take it to our site for processing at one of our two scrap yards, located in Dagenham and Romford respectively. Payment will be made within 48 hours of collection.

In Harold Hill with scrap for sale? Whether in the form of scrap vehicles, catalytic converters or anything else – call our veteran scrap metal merchants today on 01708 922881.

01708 922881